Ata Akcil, Ph.D. - Eng. (Regst No: 5393) - Technical Expert Auditor for Gold Mine Verification Audits





Technical Auditor, Eldorado Gold, Kışladağ Gold Mine, Turkey; ICMC certification audit of the Kışladağ Gold Mine



Technical Expert presenting training on cyanide management and ICMC for Alamos (Kuzey Biga) and Eldorado (Tüprag) sites




Lead Consultant/Project Manager for cyanidation (carbon in leach/carbon in pulp) research & development tests for gold recovery, for Eldorado Gold’s Efemçukuru mine



Designed and presented official 16 day course on Environmental Impact Assessment, hydrometallurgy and mining environmental issues (including cyanide use), for KazNTU


2011 to 2013

Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author for national /thesis research project  involving cyanide usage in recycling products (recovery process-leaching), for Süleyman Demirel (SD) University


2007 to 2012

Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author for industrial spent catalyst and battery recovery national-international/thesis research projects  involving acidic leaching, for SD University and L’Aquila University

       Turkey and Italy

2004 to 2013

Senior Researcher and Lecturer responsible for design and presentation of official 14 weeks’ course on Environmental Impact Assessment, Chemical-Biological treatment, Cyanide Management, Mining and Environment, Advance Analysis Techniques and Laboratory Application, Recycling Technology and Metal Recovery, Evaluation of Industrial Waste, for SD University



2004 to 2005

Led research team on program to monitor the heterogeneous catalytic degradation of cyanide, for SD University


2003 to 2004

Led research team on program for monthly  monitoring of the biodegradation of cyanide waste, for SD University


2003 to 2004

Led research team on program to monitor the destruction of cyanide by hydrogen peroxide in tailings slurries, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


2002 to 2003

Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author for monthly monitoring assessments/audits of the cyanidation process and monitoring of cyanide and heavy metals in tailings, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


2001 to 2004

Lead Consultant/Project Manager for R&D, Education and Consultancy (Monitoring/Auditing on: usage, handling and destruction of cyanide through reactor leaching process;  INCO detoxification process; and further breakdown in tailings storage facility, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


2001 to 2004

Lead Consultant/Project Manager for review of Cyanide Management Plan and Environmental Impact Assessment for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


2001 to 2003


Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author  for monthly monitoring assessments/audits of health and safety aspects related to cyanide management, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


2001 to 2002

Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author  for monthly monitoring assessments/audits of the cyanidation process and monitoring of cyanide and heavy metals in tailings, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)



Lead Consultant/Project Manager/Lead Author  for  three monthly monitoring studies/audits of Case study-I : Chemical decomposition and Case study-II: Heavy metal stabilization, for Ovacik Gold Mine (Newmont and Normandy)


1994 to 2001

Junior and Senior Researcher/Project Manager/Co and Lead Author for national /thesis research project  involving gold recovery, hydrometallurgy, cyanide usage in mining, for Dokuz Eylul and SD Universities
