1. Head, SDU Department of Mining Engineering, Isparta, 2014-2018/2018-2021.

  2. Participant as Technical Expert, Short Training Course-The Environmental Management of Cyanide in Mining, EduMine-Mining Intelligence & Technology, Spokane, Washington, USA. 21-27 October, 2011.

  3. Participant as Technical Expert, Course on Super Pro Design and its Application in Hydrometallurgy, Technical Course, L'Aquila University, L'Aquila, Italy. September 21-25, 2011.

  4. Expert, Technical Visiting to Paris Sud-11 University, May, 2011.

  5. Director, SDU Water Institute, Isparta, 2010-2011.

  6. Invited in the listings of Marquis Whos'sWho in the World, 2010.

  7. Expert, Technical Visiting to South African Universities and Mining Companies, July, 2010.

  8. Participant as Technical Expert/Cyanide Code Auditor, "The International Cyanide Management Code For The Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide In The Production of Gold", International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI), Workshop, Istanbul. June 22, 2010.

  9. Participant as Technical Expert/Cyanide Code Auditor, "The International Cyanide Management Code For The Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide In The Production of Gold", International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI), Workshop, Accra, Ghana. October 08, 2009.

  10. Expert, Technical Visiting to German Companies on WEEE and Waste Management, Organised&Supported by Exitcom, September, 2009.

  11. Staff Mobility, Wroclaw Tech. University, Erasmus Life Long Learning Programme, June 2007.

  12. Staff Mobility, Berlin Technical University, Erasmus/Socrates Programme, May 2007.

  13. Coordinator, EU Socrates and Erasmus Programmes, SDU Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Isparta, 2006-on-going

  14. Vice Dean, SDU Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Isparta, 2006-2009.

  15. Staff Mobility, L'Aquila University, Erasmus/Socrates Programme, April 2006.

  16. European Universities Association Institutional Evaluation Program Reviewer, SDU Self-Evaluation Report, Isparta, 2006

  17. Vice Director, SDU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Isparta, 2005-2006.

  18. Member of Consultant Council, SDU TECHNOCITY, Isparta, 2005-on-going.

  19. Coordinator, EU Socrates and Erasmus Programmes, SDU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Isparta, 2005-2006.

  20. Coordinator, EU Socrates and Erasmus Programmes, SDU Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Isparta, 2004-2005.

  21. Member of Commission, Commission of Student Bursary of SDU, Isparta, 2003.

  22. Vice Head, SDU Department of Mining Engineering, Isparta, 2000-2005.

  23. Head, Environmental Club, SDU, Isparta, 2000-2003.